Saturday, March 1, 2014

Currently March

I am so VERY excited that Farley is still doing her Currently linky party!! I am still very new to the blogging community, and I loved this linky party and just joined for the first time last month. I have come across so many great teacher blogs through her linky party. If you haven't ever linked up with her before, you should! Here's my Currently March:

Listening: My niece loves dogs, and loves the movie Bolt! She could probably watch it all day! Normally she wants to watch Turbo....she LOVES LOVES LOVES Turbo! But she just saw Bolt for the first time, and I think her love for dogs has her hooked!

Loving: I'm SO GLAD the weekend is here! I have done a little bit around the house today, but for the rest of the evening I plan to blog a little bit, watch a couple movies, and relax! 

Thinking: Oh my, oh my, my 30th birthday is next Sunday. EEK! Seriously though, I'm not really freaking out....I feel 30, and I'm okay with the number. The only thing that I don't like is that I am STILL in college, but I guess that's a good thing too. I didn't give up on my dream, it's just taking me a little longer to get there. Switching my major a couple of times really hasn't helped, but it is what it is. I'm actually excited for the next chapter in my life. To celebrate, I want to go on a road trip somewhere. Not sure where though....any suggestions? I've thought about planning a trip for the summer, I just need to figure out where I'm going first!

Wanting: I rented a couple movies that I'm excited about watching. "Last Vegas" looks hilarious and I love all of the actors who are in it. I'm hoping it will be a great comedy. "Enough Said" also looks really good. It looks like a good mix between a romance and comedy. We shall see if they are any good....but I'm ready to relax and watch them tonight!

Needing: I am such a procrastinator when it comes to filing my taxes every year. It's silly too, because most people would want their money returned to them - and I do, I'm just slow with the process. I need to get my paperwork together and get it done ASAP!

????????: Can you guess what this is an answer to?? 

Thanks for reading my Currently March, and make sure you head over to Farley's page at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade to link up!