Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday Scoop (8/9/2015)

I cannot believe that it has been over a year since my last blog post!! So much has happened since then. I changed jobs, and colleges, but I'm still on track to becoming an educator. I guess there is no right way to get back into the swing of things with blogging other than just going for it, so I am linking up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop weekly linky party. (I'm really hoping to keep up with this every week! I really enjoying seeing what everyone else out there is up to!) I have seen a few other bloggers link up, and thought it would be a fun routine to start! I also figure that maybe this weekly linky party will help me stay on track with the tasks that I need to accomplish for the week, and actually get those things accomplished! LOL! So, here is my Sunday Scoop! I can't wait to see what everyone else is up to this week!

Hope everyone has a great week!