Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Currently June

It's already June and summer has officially begun! I cannot believe half of the year is almost over, but after a very cold and snowy winter, I'm glad that the sun is shining and summer is here! Here is my June currently!

LISTENING to "I Choose You" by Sara Bareilles. It's her newest song being played on the radio and I LOVE it. It is such a beautiful song. If you haven't heard it yet, you should have a listen! Check it out on Spotify....(it's my newest way of listening to music online!)

LOVING that summer has officially begun! Like the song....School is out for summer, and I'm ecstatic!! Well, "work school" is over, that is teaching. However, I am still taking a full course load of college credits this summer to get some classes out of the way. I'm still happy that I have a summer vacation away from work, so I can enjoy some summer fun with the family, and my nephews, and my niece!

THINKING about planning a trip to the zoo soon! I just bought a zoo membership so I can take the kiddos to the zoo as often as I want to over the next year! Plus, the giraffes and zebras are back (after being gone for a long time), so I'm very excited to go back to the zoo! I haven't been to the zoo in almost a year, so it's a trip that has been long overdue!

WANTING my Grandpa to get better soon....over that last couple months he hasn't been doing well at all. He's in his mid-80's, and has had a long good life. He fell a couple months ago and hurt his neck, and since then things just keep happening. He is confused, sometimes not able to talk, and has been fighting pneumonia. He was improving a few days ago, but he is starting to fall downhill again. I really just want him to get back to himself again. I don't want to see him in pain, and I want him to get better. So, I just keep praying that he gets better SOON! Our family needs something good to happen soon!

NEEDING to blog more than once a month. I think that says it all....after starting my new job and being in school it seems I've only made one post a month - the currently post (which I'm glad I have been able to keep up with at least that post!). I'd really like to aim to make a post at least once a week! I'll get there eventually....I just gotta keep working on it!

SUMMER BUCKET LIST First I'd like to lose 20 pounds and exercise more. I probably won't lose it all over the summer....I want to be realistic, but 20 pounds is my overall goal to shoot for. I am starting another ViSalus 90-day challenge! If you haven't tried ViSalus and are looking for a new way to lose weight, I can give you more details. The shakes are really yummy and there are a lot of different kinds of shakes you can make like coffee, fruit, vegetable, regular, and candy bar flavored shakes! I also want to walk/ride my bike at least 3-4 times a week. The weather is beautiful, and I should be taking advantage of it by getting outside and exercising! I also want to pinterest some ideas for the next school year (which is also FUN to do)! I LOVE Pinterest! Last but not least, I need to transfer to another college this summer so I can complete my bachelors degree!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation so far (or will be soon)!

Until next time,